As you know, we have been concerned that there would be a significant reduction in job opportunities for people with disabilities in the Rest Area Maintenance Program (RAM). The RAM program has provided the maintenance and janitorial services to all of Wisconsin’s rest areas, waysides and safety and weight enforcement facilities for the past 50 years.
Earlier this week I had the pleasure of speaking with Dave Ross, the Wisconsin Secretary of the Department of Transportation. He reassured me that there are no planned changes to the contract and that he is not only fully invested in the programs and its success, but that he takes great pleasure in stopping at our rest areas and meeting the people who work there on a regular basis. Secretary Ross told me that, “This contract is a contract of high value to the state of Wisconsin. The quality of work performed through the rest area maintenance program is exceptional and surpasses industry standards. We are delighted to be working in partnership with so many great people who do such a good job. The DOT will continue to look for cost efficiencies and savings system-wide, but we have no intention of altering the contracts related to the RAM program or eliminating any jobs in this program.”